This notice explains how Weber Orthodontics may use and disclose your medical information and how you can access this information. Please review it carefully.

Your protected health information (PHI), which includes identifiable data such as names, dates, contact numbers, email addresses, home addresses, social security numbers, and demographic information, may be used or disclosed by us in various ways:

  1. To other healthcare providers (e.g., your dentist or oral surgeon) for coordinating orthodontic treatment.
  2. To third-party payers or spouses (e.g., insurance companies, employers with direct reimbursement plans) for billing and payment purposes.
  3. To certifying, licensing, and accrediting bodies (e.g., American Board of Orthodontics, state dental boards) for professional requirements.
  4. Internally, among our staff involved in your treatment.
  5. In incidental disclosures observed by other patients and third parties within our practice.
  6. To your family, parents, guardians, or close friends involved in your care.
  7. We may contact you (via phone, email, text messaging) for appointment reminders or to provide information about your treatment, insurance updates, declined credit card notifications, and other health-related benefits and services that may interest you.

Any other use or disclosure of your PHI will only occur with your written authorization, which you have the right to revoke.

Under the new privacy regulations, you have the right to:

  • Request restrictions on the use and disclosure of your PHI.
  • Request confidential communication of your PHI.
  • Inspect and obtain copies of your PHI by requesting from us.
  • Amend or modify your PHI in certain circumstances.
  • Receive an accounting of certain disclosures we have made of your PHI.
  • File a complaint regarding a violation of your privacy rights with us or the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services within 180 days of the violation.

Our obligations under the privacy rules include:

  • Legally maintaining the privacy of your PHI and providing this notice outlining our duties and privacy practices.
  • Adhering to the terms of our current Privacy Notice.
  • Informing you of our right to change the terms of this Privacy Notice and applying new provisions to all PHI we maintain. If changes are made, we will provide you with a copy of the revised notice.

Please note that we are not obligated to:

  • Honor requests to restrict the use or disclosure of your PHI.
  • Amend your PHI if it is accurate and complete.
  • Guarantee an environment entirely free from incidental disclosures of your PHI.

This privacy notice is effective as of the date of your signature. If you have questions about this notice, please ask for our Privacy Contact Person and direct your inquiries to them at our office address. Thank you.